Mayor’s Message

With immense joy and excitement, on behalf of the Municipality of Chania, I would like to welcome you to the brand new portal of the Chania Tourism Bureau under the tagline: “Chania – A City of Many Tales”. The new website aims at showcasing the Municipality’s touristic value with its distinct, diverse and unique assets as well as providing useful information to the visitor, prior and during one’s stay.
Incorporating every aspect of the vast historical, cultural and geographical wealth of the Municipality of Chania, in an elaborate, coherent and comprehensive way, was a challenging, yet fascinating task; how to encapsulate the heart, soul and spirit of Chania that makes this Cretan experience so impactful and memorable. Right from the start, we decided that the incorporation of the people of Chania and their real life stories was an indisputable requirement. People who are born and raised here, as well as people that chose Chania as their permanent place of residence would be included. We wanted to create a platform where the citizens of Chania can present their personal experience and love for their city and connect with the visitor on a human level.
In addition and of equal importance, our new website offers useful information about the noteworthy sightseeing sites, museums, beaches, villages, entertainment and the activities, as well as significant content about the local history, traditions, culture, the Cretan diet and recent news of our Municipality.
We hope you enjoy your virtual tour of the Municipality of Chania, you are able to find exactly what you are looking for and book your next travel to this much sought after destination that we call home. Visit Chania and write your own story in this City of Many Tales!